Special Tefillah for Parents Erev Rosh Chodesh Sivan
For recitation on erev Chodesh Sivan, this Thursday, May 9th.
The Shelah HaKadosh, composed a prayer that parents should recite for their children at any time of the year — but especially before Rosh Chodesh Sivan, for that is the month when G-d gave us the Torah, and when the Jewish people began to be called His Children.
Artscroll offers the following link of the complete prayer in Hebrew and English. Or here from tefillos.com.
The Mishna Berurah brings down that each day a parent should daven for not only himself, but that his children should have a portion in Torah. One should have this in mind in both bircas haTorah and U Va L’Tzion (l’mayan no liga larik).
Join a Highly Professional Hair & Wig Training Course This Summer!
Book Recommendations from Aaron Garber Library
This week’s book recommendations from Ilka Gordon, Librarian, Aaron Garber Library
26500 Shaker Boulevard. Library Hours: Mon.-Thurs. 9-4. All are welcome to borrow books. Phone 216-371-0446 ext. 267.
Mi Dor Le Dor : Genetics and Genetic Diseases : Jewish Legal and Ethical Perspectives. By Dr. Deena Zimmerman.
Yours Forever – Bnos Melachim
LiveSpecial – New Website With Resources for the Disabled in NE Ohio
Learning that your loved one has a disability can be extremely traumatic and overwhelming. Many challenging questions arise: Where do I go to get services? What services are available? Who can help me? Finding the answers to these and many other questions can take days, weeks or even months of research and often result in confusion and frustration. The goal of LiveSpecial.com is to be a user-friendly, easy to use, on-line gateway to the Northeast Ohio special needs service providers. A project of NCJW (National Council of Jewish Women).
Girls R Us!
Swimming Lessons for Boys 2013
Private Swimming Lessons
Stunning selection of Shabbos Shoes, Weekday Shoes, and Sneakers for Boys and Girls at TIP TAP TOE
Cloud 9 Maternity Sale – Up to 70% Off
Volunteer Opportunities in the Aaron Garber Library (Siegal College)
1. Shelving Books – also fun for math majors or people who like numbers
2. Labeling books
3. Accessioning books – be the first person to handle and sneak a peek at the new books as they arrive at the library
4. OhioLINK – – enabling students statewide to read books from our excellent collection
5. Special projects – as needed, such as checking in professional journals donated by Lenore Koppel of the Index to Jewish periodicals
Call the Aaron Garber library for details. 216.464.4050, x131. Your help is sorely needed and will be greatly appreciated.
Discover the Healing Powers of Your Soul
Blum’s – Fantastic Items for Shavuos
Shavuos Shopping List: [Read more…]
Cleveland YACHAD Welcomes Scholar for Special Weekend!
The Sterling Society – Cleveland Community Exclusive Sale!
Visit TheSterlingSociety.com or call 347-694-5375 or Like us on Facebook.
Mika’s Wig Boutique for Women Mother’s Day Specials
Treat your mother and yourself to Mika’s amazing package deals! Use one now, and save one for later!
Purchase before May 12th (Mothers day); offers are valid for 3 months from date of purchase.
Check out our Facebook page. For more information please call 216.382.2954.
Cleaning Ladies
Reliable and hard-working ladies from Europe available to clean your home or baby-sit.
Please call Bina at 216-321-9614.
Bnos Hands-on Pottery
AMIT Pre-Shavuot Bake Sale
Cleveland Fares Well at N.Y. Orthodox Relocation Fair
(Cleveland Jewish News)
Cleveland’s Orthodox Jewish community may be growing in the near future, thanks to the city’s participation in the Orthodox Union’s Jewish Communities Home and Job Relocation Fair April 21 in New York.
“It went beautifully and greatly exceeded our expectations,” Green Road Synagogue Rabbi Binyamin Blau said in an email to members of the Beachwood shul. “The fair itself had over 1,200 participants, and our booth was inundated with people genuinely interested in our community.”
Full Story >>
New Shitas HaRambam Cleveland Heights Eruv
Cleveland Heights is happy to announce that the new Eruv has been built and is ready to be used. Look for more details to come about the various enhancements involved and how this project came together.
Click here for a map of the eruv clearly listing its boundaries.
The following brief overview of what is required in a Rambam eruv is taken from the web site for the Toronto Eruv:
Creative Chocolates for Shavuos

Bnos Melochim – Yours Forever
House for Sale in Cleveland Heights
The Suit House Shavuos Clearance Sale – BOGO
Women’s Power Yoga Basics at Mika’s Boutique
Cleveland Kosher Certification of Local Speedway & BP/7-11
Cleveland Kosher certifies Speedway Freezes (slurpees) at Speedway at Cedar & Green and the 7-11 at the BP station at Bishop & Chardon. Signs are posted identifying which flavors are approved.
Kashrus Alert: Forelli Creme Strawberry Wafers
Brands: Forrelli
Products: Crème Strawberry Flavored Wafers
Company: Allied International Corp. of VA Dulles, VA
Issue: Forrelli Crème Strawberry Flavored Wafers made in Turkey bear an OU Parve. This product is not certified by the Orthodox Union and it also contains dairy ingredient. The product is sold locally in discount stores.