5th Annual Musical Tu B’Shvat Celebration for Women, February 12th
5th Annual Musical Tu B’Shvat Celebration for Women, February 12th
5th Annual Musical Tu B’Shvat Celebration for Women, February 12th
5th Annual Musical Tu B’Shvat Celebration for Women, February 12th
5th Annual Musical Tu B’Shvat Celebration for Women, February 12th
Tzitzit Workshops For IDF Soldiers (CJN Feature)
CJN Reports, that on October 24, a Tzitzis Workshop was held at the Waxman Chabad Center.
Tzitzit for Zahal, hosted by Rabbi Chayim B. Alevsky, people of all ages participated in tying tzitzis that were to be promptly shipped out to Israeli soldiers fighting terrorism on the front lines. Together with Malkie Ginsburg, principal of Fuchs Mizrachi School, Rabbi Alevsky organized the event bringing the community together in taking part of a such a special mitzvah.
Rabbi Alevsky can be contacted at mitzvahworkshops.com or mitzvahworkshops@gmail.com.
(Original article can be found at: Cleveland Jewish News)
Federation Rally for Israel at 5PM Wednesday
As the violent attacks in Israel continue to escalate, Jewish Cleveland is coming together to show our support. Join us as we [Read more…]
David Friedman to be Nominated as United States Ambassador to Israel
From Hamodia:
The U.S. embassy has for decades been located in Tel Aviv. Trump had pledged during the presidential campaign to move it to Yerushalayim, a move almost certain to provoke objections from Muslims around the world.
Earlier in the article, Friedman is quoted as saying he looks forward to taking up his post in Yerushalayim.
About a month and a half ago, prior to the election, David Friedman and Jason Dov Greenblatt, Co-Chairmen of the Israel Advisory Committee to Donald J. Trump, co-authored a 16-point position statement about Israel and the United States’ relationship to Israel. The statement indicates that Friedman is strongly right-leaning:
- Israel is the state of the Jewish people, who have lived in that land for 3,500 years.
- The U.S. should veto any United Nations votes that unfairly single out Israel
- The U.S. should cut off funds for the UN Human Rights Council
- A two-state solution between Israel and the Palestinians appears impossible as long as the Palestinians are unwilling to renounce violence against Israel or recognize Israel’s right to exist as a Jewish state.
- The U.S. should support direct negotiations between Israel and the Palestinians without preconditions
- Pressure should not be put on Israel to withdraw to borders that make attacks and conflict more likely
Tefillos Request for Missing Bochur in Israel