Please send your Shavuos schedules, shiurim, and other activities to including Shavuos night schedules, Aseres Hadibros times, and Yizkor times. For classes, please include topic, audience, location, presenter, and any other notes you feel relevant.
24 Camps and Counting! Is Your Camp Included in the Cleveland Day Camps List?
The list of Cleveland Jewish day camps can be viewed at
Send your camp’s information to Make sure to include name, ages or grades entering, boys or girls (or both), contact name, contact number, and where it’s located.
12 Camps and Counting! Is Your Camp Included in the Cleveland Day Camps List?
The list of Cleveland Jewish day camps can be viewed at
Send your camp’s information to Make sure to include name, ages or grades entering, boys or girls (or both), contact name, contact number, and where it’s located.
Attention Camps! Get Included in the Cleveland Day Camps List
The list of Cleveland Jewish day camps can be viewed at
Send your camp’s information to Make sure to include name, ages or grades entering, boys or girls (or both), contact name, contact number, and where it’s located.
Email Technical Issues
We’ve been having technical issues with the emails and are working to fix the problem. You can still visit the website, which remains up to date. We recommend scrolling through a few pages if you’re more than a day or two behind.
Please Send in Your Megilah Readings for the Annual Megilah Readings List
Please send your public megilah readings to Please include time, location, who is welcome (men, women, anyone, etc.) and contact information.
Need to Find a Minyan? LJN Announces a Completely Rebuilt Minyan Page!
Local Jewish News has relaunched our Cleveland Minyanim and zmanim page making it much more intuitive, quick, and mobile-friendly! Visit
If you spot errors or omissions, please email We’re also happy to hear your general feedback. More planned features are still on the way but we wanted to make this resource available immediately.
Some notes:
- Mincha length – When Maariv immediately follows mincha, mincha is assumed to take 20 minutes. We’ll be happy to make changes if you have a more accurate mincha length or a specific starting time for maariv.
- Friday minchas that are scheduled for before Plag with Kabalas Shabbos scheduled for after Plag were assumed to be 10 minutes before/after Plag respectively. We’ll be happy to make changes if you have more accurate information.
- Seasonality – Winter means Eastern Standard Time and Summer means Daylight Savings Time. However, for many minyanim, seasonality does not exactly adhere to this schedule and it’s important to look at the notes.
Commenting on LJN Posts No Longer Requires Creating an Account
After some research, I’ve figured out how to go back to the old system that doesn’t require creation of a user account or logging in to comment on posts. The tradeoff I was trying to make was reduction of spam comments but with this new solution screening out spam is possible even without requiring registration. Comments will still need to be approved in order to appear on the site.
Hopefully this will lead to readers once again participating in constructive and stimulating conversations.
Reminder: Long Emails This Time of Year
During the Tishrei yom tov season, there tend to be many more postings than usual. Please remember that Gmail and other email services will often cut off long emails before the end. To view the entire email you may have to click a link at the top or bottom of the email.
Cleveland Tehillim List Now Available on Local Jewish News
The Tehillim List of the Cleveland Tehillim Chevra is now easily accessible to the public on Local Jewish News. The list is being published as a partnership between Local Jewish News and Mrs. Chanie Malcmacher in the hope that it will cause even more community members to be mispalel on behalf of those in need.
The list will continue its practice of approximately six bi-monthly print editions. Also, in order to maintain seder the following long-standing guidelines remain in place for the inclusion of a name:
- The choleh must be a Clevelander or the direct relative of a Clevelander
- The exactly correct Hebrew name and its correct spelling must be provided
- Permission of the family must have been obtained
- The choleh must be reconfirmed for each edition of the list
Currently, the community has the merit of completing the entire Tehillim nearly two times daily. To participate in a daily completion of the Tehillim, please email Mrs. Malcmacher at
LJN Site Difficulties
Update: The site has been moved to a new host that is blazingly fast. The classifieds are still not available and may take a day or two.
Local Jewish News has been experiencing technical problems the past couple of days that have led to downtime. I’m sorry about this and am working to fix it.
I’m trying strongly to balance current user-experience with the best long-term plans for the site and our users. If any downtime is foreseeable, I’ll try to schedule it for low-traffic times and to let you know in advance. Under strong consideration is moving to a new hosting platform that will take a more involved role in routine maintenance, security, and performance of the site.
In addition, some of your emails to LJN have been affected. If you don’t get a response to your email, please resend it.
Thanks for your patience while I work to meet your expectations.
New Feature: Tehillim List
Local Jewish News now has a tehillim list. It can be found at
Please email with any names to be added or removed.
The list will be separated into male and female sections to help with reciting mishebeirachs. Please send suggestions for how to improve the list.
Send Pictures of Your Purim!
Testing New Email Format With No Images
Many email services cut off emails after a certain length. In an effort to avoid that happening as much, we’re testing a new email format that eliminates postings’ images from the email. To view a posting, click its title. Nevertheless, we expect that as we approach Purim and Pesach, busier times for Local Jewish News, some emails will still be clipped. When that happens, you can click the “View this newsletter in your browser” link at the top of the email or you can click the link your email provider places at the bottom where the email is clipped.
Remember, you haven’t read the entire email until you get to the “Zei Gezunt” graphic!
Please let us know what you think:
Megillah Readings List
Send your public megillah readings to Please include time, location, who is welcome (men, women, anyone, etc.) and contact information.
Submit Your Purim Events to the LJN Community Calendar
Make sure your event is on the Local Jewish News Community Calendar! Email with details including who it’s geared towrd, location, approximate ending time, and where to find more information.
As with Chanukah, there will be a special Purim Events section to the daily email in the days leading up to Purim.
LJN Now on Instagram and Twitter
Both of these are still experimental with some of the formatting still being worked out.
Chanukah Gift from Local Jewish News!
As you may have already noticed, a new site design was launched tonight! While the redesign remains a work in progress, the primary achievement of the new design is that it’s mobile friendly. This allows for better readability across multiple device sizes.
In order to accomplish this, on mobile devices and tablets you’ll notice some elements of the site seem to be missing. Specifically, the Community Calendar, Recent Classifieds and Recent Comments widgets are no longer at the right but are instead visible below the main postings. Alternatively, the Community Calendar and Classifieds can be accessed from the toolbar. We’re still working on making Recent comments available in a similar way.
While tonight was the launch of the new design, we have more features and functionality planned for the coming weeks and months. Stay tuned as Local Jewish News improves and evolves to continue serving your needs as the first and main place to stay connected with the Cleveland Orthodox Jewish community.
Please let us know what you like, what can be improved, and any other feedback you have on the redesign, the emails, and LJN’s functionality. Email or submit a comment on this posting.
Happy Chanukah!
Advertisers, many of you have expressed interest in banner ads. Please look for an email in the next couple of days with an update about your advertising options.
18 Chanukah Events are on the Community Calendar! Is Yours?
Check them out at the Cleveland Jewish Community Calendar.
While there are 18 events already on the calendar, we know there are more out there. Send us your event so we can add it too. Make sure to include event name, date, time, location, a link to the event (on Facebook or elsewhere), and any other important information. Email
Long Email Newsletter Today; Read through to the end
Due to email difficulties the past few days, today’s email is long. In most cases the email will be shortened by your email provider but they provide a link to view the remainder. Alternatively, you can click “View this newsletter in your browser” at the top of this email.
Remember, you’re not done until you see the “Zei Gezunt” graphic all the way at the bottom.
Make Sure Your Chanukah Events are on the Community Calendar!
Send your Chanukah events information to us so we can post them on the Cleveland Jewish community calendar.
Make sure to include event name, date, time, location, and any other important information. Email
Email Sending Difficulties
Friday, 11:08am: We’ve been having technical issues getting today’s email out. We’re working to resolve the problem.