Summer Gymnastics Lessons. Girls ages 3-12. See flyer for more details.
University Heights House for Sale
School Vouchers: Why most of you don’t have them yet and what you can do about it
Below is information on an upcoming presentation by Rabbi A. D. Motzen regarding school vouchers in Ohio. This is a very important topic that could save us all money and contribute millions of $$$ to our schools in the very near future. Everyone is encouraged to attend to learn how each of us can help the cause that Rabbi Motzen and the Agudah have championed for our community and all of Klal Yisroel.
House for Sale – Cleveland Heights
Spacious brick Severn six bedroom home with 2 full baths on the second floor. Finished 3rd floor with bedroom and full bath and finished basement including carpeted playroom, bedroom and full bath. Ceramic tile throughout house with laundry room on first floor. Move in condition. A must see!!
Call Eli @ 216-245-5196.
Art Classes for 2nd- 4th Grade Girls
Laughter Therapy Workshop
The Cleveland Jewish Arts Show
Stunning selection of Shabbos Shoes, Weekday Shoes, and Sneakers for Boys and Girls at TIP TAP TOE
Connect with Telshe – May 19th, Beachwood
Aish’s Chayil Evening at the Maltz Museum
Sale to Support AISH- JWRP Trip With A SALE
Support our Aish/JWRP(Jewish Women Renaissance Program) June trip! $2000 donation of new clothing with tags being sold! Sunday May 19th, 11:00am until 3.
Shoes,womens clothing, hats!!!!! Shoes sz 9-10, clothing womens med. and large. Hats- for all seasons!!!
23112 Beachwood Blvd. Almost everything 5-10 dollars!!!
University Heights House for Sale
K.I.S.S. Swim Course – Kids and Infants Safety Swimming
Aish’s Chayil Evening at the Maltz Museum
Crime tips can be submitted on iWatchNEOhio, a free phone app
Beginning Tuesday, Northeast Ohioans can submit crime tips anonymously by text, video or photo on smartphones through iWatchNEOhio, a free community policing app.
The mobile crime watch program is not a replacement for calling 911 in an emergency but is a way for people to report suspicious or criminal activity, officials said. People can also sign up to receive alerts from agencies about everything from crime and missing children to weather and school closings.
Fortune Wigs Coming to Mika’s Wig Boutique May 22nd
For more information check our Facebook page or call 216.382.2954.
K.I.S.S. Swim Course With Michelle Alpern
Camp Chabad of Cleveland
Private Swimming Lessons
Fitness for Women – Pilates and Yoga at Mika’s Wig Boutique
Nancy’s Yoga class will begin in May, Wednesday mornings 10:30-11:30 AM. We appreciate your understanding that pre-registration is required. For more information, please call Nancy at 216.406.5766.
To schedule your Pilates experience, please call Gloria at 216.288.1954.
These classes will be held at Mika’s Wig Boutique for Women. 2199 Green Road • University Heights OH 44121 • 216.382.2954
House for Sale – University Heights – 4297 University Parkway
Camp Chabad of Cleveland
Shavuos Night At Beis Doniel
Special Garbage Pick-up in Cleveland Heights
The City of Cleveland Heights will have a special early garbage pick-up on Wednesday morning to facilitate leaving garbage out erev- Yom Tov (Tuesday), making an additional pick-up to the regular day.
Help Wanted: Infant Caregiver
Yabi Nursery and Child Care looking for a caregiver in our infant room from 8:30 until 1:00 p.m. daily starting immediately through June 21. Please call our office at 216-932-7664.
(LocalJewishNews continues to try to do its part to assist community members to find employment by offering free help wanted ads to community businesses and organizations. So if you have a position to fill, let us know. Check out other job offerings in our New Classifieds Section)
Cedar – Green Kollel Shavuos Night Learning
School Vouchers: Why most of you don’t have them yet and what you can do about it
May I Daven in English? For Parshas Naso
The Gemara discusses whether a kohen who knows no Hebrew may duchen in translation. Since this mitzvah is in the current week’s reading, we have an opportunity to discuss whether mitzvos that require speaking must be recited in Hebrew, or if they may be recited in translation.
May I Daven in English?
By Rabbi Yirmiyohu Kaganoff (Visit (Also, you may be interested in May I take a Nice Hot Shower on Yom Tov?)
Baby Grand Piano for Sale
Baldwin Baby Grand Series M (5’2″) Piano FOR SALE. Excellent condition and sound. Appraised at $7200. Please contact 216-291-9418 or email