5th Annual Musical Tu B’Shvat Celebration for Women, February 12th
5th Annual Musical Tu B’Shvat Celebration for Women, February 12th
5th Annual Musical Tu B’Shvat Celebration for Women, February 12th
5th Annual Musical Tu B’Shvat Celebration for Women, February 12th
5th Annual Musical Tu B’Shvat Celebration for Women, February 12th
Susan’s Suggestion for the Election Tuesday, November 5, 2024
Yes it’s that time of year again. Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you are likely aware that one of the most important elections of our time is once again here. With a world at war, and vying ideas for good social order very much on the ballot, that statement is certainly as true as it’s ever been. Whether it is economic policy or education policy, energy or immigration, it’s on this ballot in some way. One can vote early, by mail, or in person on election day, but by all means please vote. Our voice is only as loud as our voting constituency when it comes to any issues be they local, county or national. We don’t count if you don’t get counted, so please make it a priority and consider voting for the following:
President: Donald Trump
Supreme Court Justices: Megan Shanahan, Joseph Deters, Daniel Hawkins
US Senator: Bernie Moreno
Congress 11th District: Shontel Brown
State Representative: Juanita Brent (Please note that if Eric Synenberg appears on your ballet, he was the candidate who garnered much support in the primary to unseat his opponent, and is worthy of your consideration this time around with a good reputation and relationships)
County Council Member: Michael Houser
Common Pleas Court: Antonio Nichelson, Tim Hess, Ami Imbrogno, Joan Synenberg (rated Excellent, for many years including this rating), Jason Ralls, Timothy Clary (rated Excellent). See below, unless noted, it’s merely a partisan pick this time.
Member of Council: James Posch
Ohio State Issue 1: This law will restructure the anti-gerrymandering laws currently in place. Vote: No
Cuyahoga County Issue 55: A sin tax on cigarettes, proceeds going to the arts. Leaning: No. [Read more…]
Letter From a Reader
Dear parent,
Susan’s Suggestions for General Election Tuesday, November 8, 2022
As always, “this is the most important election! Ever!” That’s because every election decides many small and large things that will affect our community and anyone paying attention knows that there are big decisions to be made these days: Energy, Economy, Religious Rights and Nondiscrimination, Safety and Security- be it local or national -as well as the more routine taxes and policies once again are in the balance. Your vote matters! Pollsters know less and less these days, so more races could be toss ups than you might have been led to believe. As always, no matter how you vote, your voting means attention gets paid to our needs as a community and as individuals. Please consider the following suggestions.
Governor: Mike Dewine and Jon Husted
Attorney General: Dave Yost
State Auditor: Keith Faber
Secretary of State: Frank LaRose
Treasurer of State: Robert Sprague
Chief Justice of Supreme Court: Sharon Kennedy, Pat Fischer, Pat Dewine (all R)
US Senator: JD Vance
US Representative to Congress: Eric Brewer
State Senator 21st District: Mikhail Alterman
Judge for Court of Appeals 8th District: Cornellius O’Sullivan (R)
County Executive: Lee Weingart (R)
Member of State Board of Education: Tim Miller
Judge, Common Pleas: (There are no recommendations. Only information. D-Democrat, R- Republican, J – Judgeforyourself.com preferred, E – I’ve endorsed in the past) Tim Hess(R) or Richard Bell(D,J) – Richard Saffold(D,) or Mark Majer(R) (both equally well rated on J)- Maureen Clancy(D,J) or Gina Crawford(R) – Brian Mooney(D) or Joan Synenberg(R,J,E) – Deborah Turner(D,J) or Denise Salerno(R) – Kevin KelleyD) or Wanda Jones (R, J, E)- Jennifer O’Donnell (D) or Kenneth Callahan (R,J) – Francine Goldberg(D, E) – Anne McDonough (D, J) or Pamela Hawkins (R)
Member of Council: Gail Larson
State Issue 1 requires courts to consider public safety when setting bail. Vote Yes
State Issue 2 requires all voters be legal citizens, even in local elections where cities may have passed legislation to allow residents who are not US citizens to vote locally. Vote Yes
Issue 5 Metroparks Replacement Tax Vote For the Levy, will not increase taxes
Issue 6 Port Authority Tax Renewal Vote For the Levy, will not increase taxes
Expanded Edition:
As important as this election is, it is also pretty straightforward. Voting Republican down the line on every race where there is an R to be voted for – all way down to and especially for the Supreme Court Justices in this election on every race sends the message that we support the candidates that support our causes. We want Democrats to seek our votes – and on every issue that matters especially to our community such as School Choice, Safety and Security, Religious Freedoms, Support for the security for the State of Israel- every Republican is superior to their opponent. We want Democrats to care about our issues. We want them to see us as a community whose vote they want to earn.
JD Vance vs. Tim Ryan: It is worth noting that this is a complex election with complex candidates, however in the final analysis the above not only holds true, but it is worth noting J-Street supports Ryan. If JStreet supports Ryan, we must vote Vance.
Supreme Court Justices. I can’t stress enough how many times the importance of Republican wins in all seats was conveyed to me.
Judges: I no longer have the same inside information about Judges as I’ve had in the past. Since it is impossible to know about how fairly judges apply the law and court procedures without actually being in the courtroom, without that insight, I cannot make independent recommendations. It is worth noting that Republican incumbents as a general are usually excellent judges having been appointed and re-elected in a Democrat stronghold. It is also worthwhile to note that Francine Goldberg is a member of our community and, serving well, deserves our support. Hers is the only race above that is listed even though its not contested. Judicial races in the county are nonpartisan. I have listed their party for you should you choose to vote a party line. All candidates are listed with an R or D following their name, an E if I personally endorsed in the past and wish to emphasize that fact this go round, and a J is listed by the candidate endorsed by the website Judge4yourself.com which is a helpful tool in assessing judges but is reputed to be harder on Republicans and/or lawyers from the prosecutors office. While I don’t rely solely on it, it is a great resource and you may find it helpful to look up that information. In it, you will see how each of four bar associations rated the candidates and how close or far apart they found the candidates. Or you may wish to vote party line.
Gail Larson – was appointed to fill a vacancy and she is required to run to keep her seat. Although she is unopposed, please do check her box.
State Issue 1 Both Gubernatorial candidates are voting yes, and we agree. This keeps our communities safe by allowing judges to help keep criminals off the streets that shouldn’t be there. This amendment is necessary because of a previous ruling by Ohio Supreme Court. This amendment requires a judge to consider the previous criminal record as well as the seriousness of the crime when considering bail amounts.
State Issue 2 – This states that only a citizen may vote in any election. This will eliminate the possibility of cities independently opting to allow voting by residents of their city who are noncitizens of this country even on local candidates and issues only. Vote Yes
Issues 5 and 6 support services in the community we need/want and do not reflect a raise in rate.
Final note: The Tree People are busy providing free tree plantings in order to increase the shade and reap the benefits. Please use the contacts below if you would like to have a tree planted on your lawn or tree lawn at no charge to you. I am happy to pass on this opportunity to Cleveland Heights residents.
You can reach them by email – heightstreepeople@gmail.com, or leave a message for Laura Marks at 216-321-7543 or Bill Hanavan at 269-501-7195.
If one of your concerns is loss of open front yard space, you could consider requesting a tree lawn tree. This is a free service from the City of Cleveland Heights. Any residents who do not have a tree on the tree lawn in front of their house are eligible for a FREE new tree planting. You can contact the Forestry Division by phone 216-691-7300 or email pwd@clvhts.com to request a tree planting.
Simple Hakaras Hatov
I would like to bring to your attention something that I feel is very important.
I think that the number of people walking past the police and Jewish Federation security cars without acknowledging them with a wave or a thank you outnumbers the ones that are.
By the last Daf Yomi siyum, the workers and people in charge were totally amazed by how many people greeted them and thanked them. This made a tremendous kiddush Hashem.
It is very insulting for the police and security men to be ignored as if they are not there. All that is needed is a wave and a thank you. This applies all year round but especially now with the Yomim Tovim coming, where there will be many more people going to shul over many days.
The more men, women and children passing by and thanking creates a kiddush Hashem. Many people passing without a thank you creates chas v’sholom the opposite..
This simple act will definitely affect how they feel about the Jewish community.
Kesiva v’chasima tova,
A Local Resident
Tuesday May 3 Is Election Day. Stop An Anti-Semite.
Tuesday May 3 Is Election Day. Stop An Anti-Semite.
Susan’s Suggestions for Tuesday May 2, 2022 Ohio Primary Election
This is the first half of the Primary Election. This year there will be another primary in August for the legislative offices due to the delay in getting agreement on redistricting, a process that happens every ten years as the result of new census numbers. Both primaries are important, both because it is our chance to have an effect on important offices that affect our lives and because low voter turnout is expected both times making our effect that much more. As always, if we can’t count on each other to vote, our votes can’t be counted and we as a group don’t count. Please consider the below suggestions, but however you decide to vote: Please Vote!
As with all primaries, you can choose to vote as a Democrat or as a Republican (or Issues Only) by requesting that ballot when you vote, and whichever party you choose will remain your party of record until the next primary. Many of you are Democrats because you supported the effort for Shontel Brown in the last primary against Nina Turner. Should you decide to, you could vote Republican now and Democrat in August. Switching is legal in Ohio and it is important to make sure your voice is heard, no matter how you choose to vote. Whatever party or candidates you support at the primary level has no bearing on your vote in November when the winner will actually take office.
Democrat | Republican |
Governor: John Kranley Vs. Nan Whaley – See comments below US Senate: Tim Ryan Ohio Congressional District 11: Shontel Brown |
Governor: Mike DeWine Secretary of State: Frank LaRose Attorney General: Dave Yost State Auditor: Keith Faber State Treasurer: Robert Sprague US Senate: Josh Mandel |
Cleveland Heights Issue 9: NO
Would replace development plan for Cedar Lee area that includes a park with an as yet unplanned park only – See expanded comments Vote NO ON NINE
Cleveland Heights Issue 10: YES
Adjusts the office of Clerk of Council to remain under Council purview in the new governmental structure. See Expanded Comments. Vote Yes
Expanded Edition
Democrat Governor: John Kranley and Nan Wheatley are both experienced Mayors in Cincinnati and Dayton respectively. Kranley claims he will do for Ohio what he’s done for Cincinnati and his economic numbers are good. He is also the more moderate candidate of the two on issues we care about. Politically speaking, Kranley is also the stronger candidate and the one more likely to defeat a Republican statewide in November. Wheatly is running as the Progressive candidate. Her running mate for Lieutenant Governor is our friend, Cheryl Stephens who resides in Cleveland Heights, was our former Mayor (under the old powers of mayor) and current County-councilperson with a history of strong support for our community.
Ohio 11: Vote Shontel Brown. This is the Congressional seat for which we recently supported Shontel Brown against Nina Turner filling a vacancy that arose when our Congresswoman was appointed to President Biden’s cabinet. Although Turner is challenging her again, Brown, who holds the office after her win, is considered the leader of the party and has their official support. However many in the party supported Turner the first time and will come out for her again in this low turnout race. For all the same reasons, we should support her again. Brown has the favorable ties to our community and the commonsense approach lacking from the far left, progressive ideologue Turner. Vote Shontel Brown
Cleveland Heights Issue 9 –NO This is an ill-conceived, late to the table citizen led initiative to compel the city to scrap the development plans already signed on and shovel ready for the Meadowbrook Cedar Lee area after years of planning in favor of a park and only a park. The cost to the city is tremendous. Not only would there be the loss of time and effort already paid, but the city would have to start over developing new plans because this initiative offers no park plan to choose. Not only would there be the loss of income revenue the current plans for store fronts and living spaces would have brought, but instead of receiving income, the city would bear the cost of the upkeep of a park that brings in zero. And since we’ve already signed the agreement, passage of Issue 9 would incur hefty legal fees related to extricating ourselves from the contract, if we even can; an agreement council worked years to create and stands behind unanimously. Such costs hurt us all, but here’s the kicker. You get a park there either way. The development plans as they are now have carved out a portion of greenspace to include a park. The proponents of issue 9 want it all, no matter the costs and losses to the city. The No on Nine campaign is a group of concerned citizens who have it right. Vote No.
Cleveland Heights Issue 10 Charter Change: YES Strap in your seatbelts – this is going to be a bumpy ride. With the change in governmental structure from one branch to two, there’ll be a lot of old language in the our city’s charter that just no longer works. This is just a start. Before, the Clerk of Council, who is the staff member assigned to take care of the needs of councilmembers, answered, by Charter, to the City Manager who answered to the Council and was therefore under Council, who did all the hiring, firing and officially supervised all employees direction albeit indirectly. With the Mayor replacing the City Manager but being a separate branch of government, the question of who supervises the Clerk opens up. Although most things formerly done by City Manager will now be under the Office of the Mayor as the city’s chief executive, obviously the hiring and supervision of Clerks of Council should remain under City Council whom they serve and under whose branch they belong. However, what is obvious to all isn’t obvious to the law. It will remain legally ambiguous unless we pass this. Most cities in the county do it this way and no new positions are created in the amendment. There is no opposing position. Vote Yes
May 3rd Election – Voting Guidance on Issues 9 and 10 by Jessica Chavi Cohen
While there are many important candidate elections on the ballot this coming Tuesday, Cleveland Heights has two important issues on the ballot as well. One of them could depend on the strength of our community’s vote!
Issue 9 – Recommendation: Vote NO
You may have seen many signs around town urging residents to vote NO on Issue 9. But you may have no idea what this issue is about and why the vast majority of businesses and residents are opposing it. Here is a quick look at the issue and why you should vote NO on Election Day May 3rd.
- Issue 9 calls for the creation of an “activity park” at the Meadowbrook site on Lee Road.
- However, the City of Cleveland Heights has already signed a $50 million contract with a real estate developer for the Cedar Lee Meadowbrook Development project which includes 1.7 acres of green space including the Meadowbrook site!
- The development contract already in place will knock down the dilapidated buildings on the corner Cedar and Lee (behind the movie theater) and create a multi-use residential and commercial space there as well as on the corner of Meadowbrook/Lee/Tullamore. On that same corner of Meadowbrook/Lee/Tullamore, the developer is retaining a green space for public use that will be maintained at the developer’s expense.
- The development contract as signed and the project itself will bring in new revenue and new taxes for the city and the schools.
- The development plan for that site went through many many community meetings before it was unanimously approved by the Cleveland Heights Planning Commission and other city boards. Our community’s own Eliezer Zamft, Cleveland Heights Planning Director, led the staff process and I had the honor of chairing the meetings where the Planning Commission reviewed the plans extensively, considered public input, and ultimately approved the site plan in its entirety.
- There’s a lot of confusion around this issue because the language on the ballot is so neutral. Supporters of the Cedar Lee Meadowbrook development are concerned that Issue 9 will be inadvertently passed by uninformed voters; hence this article!
- A “NO” vote on election day is a vote in support of Cleveland Heights businesses, the Cedar Lee neighborhood, and increased revenue for our city.
What happens if Issue 9 passes?
- If Issue 9 passes, it puts the city at risk of a lawsuit for impairment of an existing contract. This will put the development plans in legal jeopardy and essentially stop all progress on the development while the case winds its way through the courts.
- It has taken almost 20 years for the city of Cleveland Heights to secure a developer for this site. If Issue 9 passes, this is a strong signal to developers that they do not have a trusted partner in the city of Cleveland Heights. With so much need for development that will build our tax base, this would be devastating for our city.
If you want to learn more, please visit https://www.buildclm.com/.
Please vote NO on Issue 9 on May 3rd.
Issue 10 – Recommendation: Vote YES
The passage of Issue 10 will shift the hiring and supervision of the Clerk of Council from the Mayor to City Council. Some facts on why this change deserves a YES vote:
- This does not create a new position, just shifts the role of the clerk from the executive to the legislative branch of city government.
- Most cities in Cuyahoga County have a Clerk of Council that reports to the City Council.
- A full-time clerk of council will contribute significantly to making our city council more
organized, responsive, and productive.
If you want to learn more about what a Clerk of Council does and why CH Councilman Tony Cuda is supporting the passage of Issue 10, you can read his Heights Observer article here.
If you have questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out.
Thank you!
Jessica Chavi Cohen
Tuesday May 3 Is Election Day. Stop An Anti-Semite.
May 3rd Election – Voting Guidance on Issues 9 and 10 by Jessica Chavi Cohen
While there are many important candidate elections on the ballot this coming Tuesday, Cleveland Heights has two important issues on the ballot as well. One of them could depend on the strength of our community’s vote!
Issue 9 – Recommendation: Vote NO
You may have seen many signs around town urging residents to vote NO on Issue 9. But you may have no idea what this issue is about and why the vast majority of businesses and residents are opposing it. Here is a quick look at the issue and why you should vote NO on Election Day May 3rd.
- Issue 9 calls for the creation of an “activity park” at the Meadowbrook site on Lee Road.
- However, the City of Cleveland Heights has already signed a $50 million contract with a real estate developer for the Cedar Lee Meadowbrook Development project which includes 1.7 acres of green space including the Meadowbrook site!
- The development contract already in place will knock down the dilapidated buildings on the corner Cedar and Lee (behind the movie theater) and create a multi-use residential and commercial space there as well as on the corner of Meadowbrook/Lee/Tullamore. On that same corner of Meadowbrook/Lee/Tullamore, the developer is retaining a green space for public use that will be maintained at the developer’s expense.
- The development contract as signed and the project itself will bring in new revenue and new taxes for the city and the schools.
- The development plan for that site went through many many community meetings before it was unanimously approved by the Cleveland Heights Planning Commission and other city boards. Our community’s own Eliezer Zamft, Cleveland Heights Planning Director, led the staff process and I had the honor of chairing the meetings where the Planning Commission reviewed the plans extensively, considered public input, and ultimately approved the site plan in its entirety.
- There’s a lot of confusion around this issue because the language on the ballot is so neutral. Supporters of the Cedar Lee Meadowbrook development are concerned that Issue 9 will be inadvertently passed by uninformed voters; hence this article!
- A “NO” vote on election day is a vote in support of Cleveland Heights businesses, the Cedar Lee neighborhood, and increased revenue for our city.
What happens if Issue 9 passes?
- If Issue 9 passes, it puts the city at risk of a lawsuit for impairment of an existing contract. This will put the development plans in legal jeopardy and essentially stop all progress on the development while the case winds its way through the courts.
- It has taken almost 20 years for the city of Cleveland Heights to secure a developer for this site. If Issue 9 passes, this is a strong signal to developers that they do not have a trusted partner in the city of Cleveland Heights. With so much need for development that will build our tax base, this would be devastating for our city.
If you want to learn more, please visit https://www.buildclm.com/.
Please vote NO on Issue 9 on May 3rd.
Issue 10 – Recommendation: Vote YES
The passage of Issue 10 will shift the hiring and supervision of the Clerk of Council from the Mayor to City Council. Some facts on why this change deserves a YES vote:
- This does not create a new position, just shifts the role of the clerk from the executive to the legislative branch of city government.
- Most cities in Cuyahoga County have a Clerk of Council that reports to the City Council.
- A full-time clerk of council will contribute significantly to making our city council more
organized, responsive, and productive.
If you want to learn more about what a Clerk of Council does and why CH Councilman Tony Cuda is supporting the passage of Issue 10, you can read his Heights Observer article here.
If you have questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out.
Thank you!
Jessica Chavi Cohen
Susan’s Suggestions for Tuesday May 2, 2022 Ohio Primary Election
This is the first half of the Primary Election. This year there will be another primary in August for the legislative offices due to the delay in getting agreement on redistricting, a process that happens every ten years as the result of new census numbers. Both primaries are important, both because it is our chance to have an effect on important offices that affect our lives and because low voter turnout is expected both times making our effect that much more. As always, if we can’t count on each other to vote, our votes can’t be counted and we as a group don’t count. Please consider the below suggestions, but however you decide to vote: Please Vote!
As with all primaries, you can choose to vote as a Democrat or as a Republican (or Issues Only) by requesting that ballot when you vote, and whichever party you choose will remain your party of record until the next primary. Many of you are Democrats because you supported the effort for Shontel Brown in the last primary against Nina Turner. Should you decide to, you could vote Republican now and Democrat in August. Switching is legal in Ohio and it is important to make sure your voice is heard, no matter how you choose to vote. Whatever party or candidates you support at the primary level has no bearing on your vote in November when the winner will actually take office.
Democrat | Republican |
Governor: John Kranley Vs. Nan Whaley – See comments below US Senate: Tim Ryan Ohio Congressional District 11: Shontel Brown |
Governor: Mike DeWine Secretary of State: Frank LaRose Attorney General: Dave Yost State Auditor: Keith Faber State Treasurer: Robert Sprague US Senate: Josh Mandel |
Cleveland Heights Issue 9: NO
Would replace development plan for Cedar Lee area that includes a park with an as yet unplanned park only – See expanded comments Vote NO ON NINE
Cleveland Heights Issue 10: YES
Adjusts the office of Clerk of Council to remain under Council purview in the new governmental structure. See Expanded Comments. Vote Yes
Expanded Edition
Democrat Governor: John Kranley and Nan Wheatley are both experienced Mayors in Cincinnati and Dayton respectively. Kranley claims he will do for Ohio what he’s done for Cincinnati and his economic numbers are good. He is also the more moderate candidate of the two on issues we care about. Politically speaking, Kranley is also the stronger candidate and the one more likely to defeat a Republican statewide in November. Wheatly is running as the Progressive candidate. Her running mate for Lieutenant Governor is our friend, Cheryl Stephens who resides in Cleveland Heights, was our former Mayor (under the old powers of mayor) and current County-councilperson with a history of strong support for our community.
Ohio 11: Vote Shontel Brown. This is the Congressional seat for which we recently supported Shontel Brown against Nina Turner filling a vacancy that arose when our Congresswoman was appointed to President Biden’s cabinet. Although Turner is challenging her again, Brown, who holds the office after her win, is considered the leader of the party and has their official support. However many in the party supported Turner the first time and will come out for her again in this low turnout race. For all the same reasons, we should support her again. Brown has the favorable ties to our community and the commonsense approach lacking from the far left, progressive ideologue Turner. Vote Shontel Brown
Cleveland Heights Issue 9 –NO This is an ill-conceived, late to the table citizen led initiative to compel the city to scrap the development plans already signed on and shovel ready for the Meadowbrook Cedar Lee area after years of planning in favor of a park and only a park. The cost to the city is tremendous. Not only would there be the loss of time and effort already paid, but the city would have to start over developing new plans because this initiative offers no park plan to choose. Not only would there be the loss of income revenue the current plans for store fronts and living spaces would have brought, but instead of receiving income, the city would bear the cost of the upkeep of a park that brings in zero. And since we’ve already signed the agreement, passage of Issue 9 would incur hefty legal fees related to extricating ourselves from the contract, if we even can; an agreement council worked years to create and stands behind unanimously. Such costs hurt us all, but here’s the kicker. You get a park there either way. The development plans as they are now have carved out a portion of greenspace to include a park. The proponents of issue 9 want it all, no matter the costs and losses to the city. The No on Nine campaign is a group of concerned citizens who have it right. Vote No.
Cleveland Heights Issue 10 Charter Change: YES Strap in your seatbelts – this is going to be a bumpy ride. With the change in governmental structure from one branch to two, there’ll be a lot of old language in the our city’s charter that just no longer works. This is just a start. Before, the Clerk of Council, who is the staff member assigned to take care of the needs of councilmembers, answered, by Charter, to the City Manager who answered to the Council and was therefore under Council, who did all the hiring, firing and officially supervised all employees direction albeit indirectly. With the Mayor replacing the City Manager but being a separate branch of government, the question of who supervises the Clerk opens up. Although most things formerly done by City Manager will now be under the Office of the Mayor as the city’s chief executive, obviously the hiring and supervision of Clerks of Council should remain under City Council whom they serve and under whose branch they belong. However, what is obvious to all isn’t obvious to the law. It will remain legally ambiguous unless we pass this. Most cities in the county do it this way and no new positions are created in the amendment. There is no opposing position. Vote Yes
Personal Message from Laura Ellis
I don’t know why HaShem has given me ALS, but I know, with emunah shaleima, that His plan for me, is far better for me, than any plan that I could ever imagine. In so many ways, my life today, is better than before I was diagnosed. My connection with HaShem is so much closer now, my faith is immeasurable, even on the days that are more physically challenging. I am able to use my inability to speak, and go into my head and just be with HaShem. It’s such a blessing.
With my koach habracha I am bentching each of you with all the brachos in the Torah; with good health and happiness, shalom bayis, menuchas hanefesh and menuchas haguf, and with hatzlacha and bracha always!
The Amazing Work of the Cleveland Chevra Kadisha
When I called my nephew Yossi Klein on the morning of January 5, 2022, I did not know whether my friend’s mother who had just passed away of Covid the day before would receive any type of burial. Much less a burial with a proper Tahara completed, as well.
Little did I know that Yossi together with Reb Heshy Neiman, President of the Chevra Kadisha leads a network of extraordinary men and women who are dedicated to the burial of our Maisim, Al Taharas Hakodesh.
Indeed, as soon as I called early in the afternoon and secured the families permission, Yossi and Heshy put together a team of dedicated Nashim Tzidkyanos to travel round trip (three hours) to Youngstown, Ohio to take care of this poor women.
I kept following the development the whole afternoon by telephone and text to make sure that the Team would timely meet up with my friend and his brother at the funeral home in Youngstown. Indeed, they met at around 6:30 pm. The Team did the Tahara and then went on their long trek back to Cleveland Ohio.
Only the Jewish people can have such outstanding Baalos Chesed that pick themselves up one wintery afternoon to travel almost 200 miles (road-trip) to do this Chesed Shel Emes.
I had to write this short accolade of thanks to these extraordinary women and men who do this every day of every year.
Mi Kamcha Yisroel, Goy Echad Be’Aretz.
We have to thank those that are on the front lines and down in the trenches, working for Am Yisroel all the time.
May Ha-Shem look down upon his holy children and end this bitter galus once and for all and bring Moshiach Tzidkenu, Bimhera Byaminu Amen.
Ezra and Amy Klein
Letter to the Editor
In the upcoming University Heights Mayoral Election, there is one trait that should be at the top of everyone’s list when considering whom to vote for, and that is experience. Only one candidate, the incumbent, Mayor Michael Dylan Brennan, has the experience and vision necessary to lead University Heights through the crucial four years ahead.
During his first term in office, Mayor Brennan has worked hard to bring new business to University Heights, spearheaded development of a new housing development on the city’s western border, worked with the The Mikveh Association, during their building process, closely cooperated with Congregation Zichron Chaim on their construction-plans to ease its approval by the planning commission, and launched a process to redevelop University Square that is one-step from being signed-off on. Under Mayor Brennan’s leadership, he has instituted new means of communication between the Mayor’s office and residents, and he has worked hard to ensure transparency of the city government and its functions.
Mayor Brennan has restored the city’s finances, successfully guiding it through the challenge of the pandemic, and rebuilt trust between the city government and the fire department.
Politically-expedient accusations and grandstanding aside, Mayor Brennan has been an effective, open, and honest leader, who has always been an unquestionable friend to the Jewish residents of University Heights. We need Mayor Brennan’s experience and approach to ensure a bright future for University Heights, and that’s why I encourage you to join me in voting to re-elect Mayor Brennan on November 2.
Shawn M. Fink
Susan’s Suggestions for the November 2nd Election
Susan’s Suggestions for the Tuesday, November 2 Elections
Voting has begun.
This is it. The general election will actually decide who sits in office. No matter who you supported in the primary, you can vote for whomever you choose in this one.
Every year I write that your vote is important. Here’s why it’s important this time. Safety – Who you choose to represent you as Mayor and on council will affect your police staffing and police support. This is your safety. Services – Cleveland Heights is in transition. Even without a transition on the way, services and the smooth running of a city depend on productive, focused and experienced representation in office. Taxes – The school board can raise or lower taxes. This is the first time our community can choose a fiscally conservative slate that promises a pro-public school position that isn’t dictated by the unions and the pro-levy campaign. Good things can happen to the district without the need to increase our property tax rate further. Real fiscal change can only happen if we all get out and vote. In the recent elections our community showed up 20 something percent which served us well in low voter turnout elections. Only by all coming out to support our candidates with 100% of registered voters can we expect to see good things in the areas of Safety, Services and Fiscal Security. This is the time. If you don’t vote, we don’t count. Please Vote –
You can still apply to vote by mail. Mail in ballots must be postmarked by Monday, November 1 or returned directly at the Board of Elections downtown. If you applied to vote by mail and didn’t, you can also vote at the polls by using a provisional ballot. Local elections effect everything – our shuls, our streets, our community. Early voting has started. By all means, everyone, please vote.
Susan’s Suggestions for the November 2nd Election
Susan’s Suggestions for the Tuesday, November 2 Elections
Voting has begun.
This is it. The general election will actually decide who sits in office. No matter who you supported in the primary, you can vote for whomever you choose in this one.
Every year I write that your vote is important. Here’s why it’s important this time. Safety – Who you choose to represent you as Mayor and on council will affect your police staffing and police support. This is your safety. Services – Cleveland Heights is in transition. Even without a transition on the way, services and the smooth running of a city depend on productive, focused and experienced representation in office. Taxes – The school board can raise or lower taxes. This is the first time our community can choose a fiscally conservative slate that promises a pro-public school position that isn’t dictated by the unions and the pro-levy campaign. Good things can happen to the district without the need to increase our property tax rate further. Real fiscal change can only happen if we all get out and vote. In the recent elections our community showed up 20 something percent which served us well in low voter turnout elections. Only by all coming out to support our candidates with 100% of registered voters can we expect to see good things in the areas of Safety, Services and Fiscal Security. This is the time. If you don’t vote, we don’t count. Please Vote –
You can still apply to vote by mail. Mail in ballots must be postmarked by Monday, November 1 or returned directly at the Board of Elections downtown. If you applied to vote by mail and didn’t, you can also vote at the polls by using a provisional ballot. Local elections effect everything – our shuls, our streets, our community. Early voting has started. By all means, everyone, please vote.
Susan’s Suggestions for the November 2nd Election
Susan’s Suggestions for the Tuesday, November 2 Elections
Voting has begun.
This is it. The general election will actually decide who sits in office. No matter who you supported in the primary, you can vote for whomever you choose in this one.
Every year I write that your vote is important. Here’s why it’s important this time. Safety – Who you choose to represent you as Mayor and on council will affect your police staffing and police support. This is your safety. Services – Cleveland Heights is in transition. Even without a transition on the way, services and the smooth running of a city depend on productive, focused and experienced representation in office. Taxes – The school board can raise or lower taxes. This is the first time our community can choose a fiscally conservative slate that promises a pro-public school position that isn’t dictated by the unions and the pro-levy campaign. Good things can happen to the district without the need to increase our property tax rate further. Real fiscal change can only happen if we all get out and vote. In the recent elections our community showed up 20 something percent which served us well in low voter turnout elections. Only by all coming out to support our candidates with 100% of registered voters can we expect to see good things in the areas of Safety, Services and Fiscal Security. This is the time. If you don’t vote, we don’t count. Please Vote –
You can still apply to vote by mail. Mail in ballots must be postmarked by Monday, November 1 or returned directly at the Board of Elections downtown. If you applied to vote by mail and didn’t, you can also vote at the polls by using a provisional ballot. Local elections effect everything – our shuls, our streets, our community. Early voting has started. By all means, everyone, please vote.
A Message from Vice Mayor of University Heights Michele Weiss
I am writing to tell you how important this election is for our city and for our community. There are challengers for Mayor. I am endorsing BARBARA BLANKFELD and she is also endorsed by 6 of the 7 members of City Council, including myself.
I am endorsing BARBARA BLANKFELD for Mayor because the next few years are too important to the city and the Jewish community. Simply put, BARBARA BLANKFELD is the only candidate who will work with the members of Council to move our city forward.
In our community honesty, integrity, and treating others kindly are key. BARBARA BLANKFELD has all of these qualities. She is fiscally responsible, follows through on what needs to be done, and listens to residents. Simply put BARBARA BLANKFELD is the best candidate for the City of University Heights.
Now is your chance to make the city even better. I have been on Council (or been to meetings as a council observer) for the last 8 years. BARBARA BLANKFELD will be the best Mayor for the City of University Heights.
This November 2nd please VOTE FOR BARBARA BLANKFELD for Mayor.
Also, there are other candidates for City Council. Please also vote for:
I have spent countless hours working to represent the Jewish community on your City Council. If you vote for these candidates, the Jewish Community will have a stronger voice in the community.
Thank you,
Vice Mayor Michele Weiss
Vote Barbara Danforth for Cleveland Heights Mayor – Endorsed by JVote
By Jessica Chavi Cohen
On September 14th , Cleveland Heights will vote for its first mayor in over 100 years. This is a critical election with tremendous consequences for the future of our city. Only one candidate is qualified to lead Cleveland Heights as mayor: Barbara Danforth.
Cleveland Heights is a municipality with an over $50 million operating budget, over 400 employees, and about 40,000 residents. Barbara is an experienced CEO and served as a leader in city, county, and state governments. As the former Chief Prosecutor for the City of Cleveland – she knows how to get criminals off the streets and keep our neighborhoods safe. She is respected by the Cleveland Heights police department. No other candidate has the leadership, legal, or public safety experience that Barbara has. Barbara knows how to work with businesses and will focus on the economic development projects our city needs to succeed: Tudor-Taylor, Severance and more. As a lawyer and a recognized leader, she will be a tough advocate for our community to ensure the Cleveland Heights University Heights School District does not neglect Millikin School in the heart of our neighborhood. Barbara knows how to manage complex multimillion dollar budgets, hundreds of employees, and large organizations. None of the other candidates have that experience or knowledge.
This election is too important to sit by and let the other two candidates – with much less experience and leadership abilities – to take the lead.
Barbara understands and respects our community. She has lost endorsements from local liberal political groups for her moderate views on social issues. Barbara is committed to representing our interests and has the support of the Jewish Voters Association (JVote). This is a critical primary where only two of the three candidates will proceed to the general election in November. We need to make sure Barbara advances to the general election and wins.
JVOTE is the organization dedicated to representing the Orthodox Jewish community residing in Cleveland Heights. Our mission is to build bridges with our local government, elected representatives and fellow citizens to educate them on those issues and needs important to our community. JVote has endorsed Barbara as the best candidate to represent the frum community’s interests when elected as mayor of Cleveland Heights. JVote’s endorsement of Shontel Brown for U.S. Congress and our work to ensure her primary election win demonstrated the power of our communal vote. We need to demonstrate that strength again by voting for Barbara Danforth on September 14th.
If you have questions about Barbara Danforth or to request a lawn sign for your front lawn – email JVote613@gmail.com.
For questions about voting – email vote44118@gmail.com.
Learn more about Barbara at www.barbaradanforthforCHMayor.com.
Learn more about JVote at www.jvote.org.
Susan’s Suggestion for the Mayoral Primary Election – Tuesday September 14
Mayoral primary? Since when? When Cleveland Heights passed Issue 26 overwhelmingly two years ago, part of the amendment stipulated a special primary election in the event that more than two people are running. Three are running and you can vote for only one. The two top vote getters will run off in the November election which will determine who will actually be Mayor
Susan’s Endorsement – Melody Joy Hart
We have two talented women vying for the position, Councilwoman Melody Joy Hart and Barabara Danforth. Councilman Khalil Seren is also running and has voted in friendship with our community in the past, but his background lacks the management experience both women possess giving them a strong edge. Both women bring good things and different strengths to the table. What we should be looking for in a leader includes:
Knowledge of City: Hart and Seren trump Danforth here. While all have deep backgrounds of civic involvement, Hart has a longer history within Cleveland Heights while Danforth is just beginning to learn its inner workings and neighborhood individualities. Hart and Seren are currently on council. Danforth’s history is with the county and other institutions but not local to our city. Seren has been on council the longest and works in governmental affairs at the county level, and this is where his strengths lie making him, in my opinion better suited to council than mayor. Hart attended council meetings for years prior to running and has been engaged in the city otherwise as well.
Leadership Abilities: Both women have deep backgrounds working with people and managing organizations. Danforth as a CEO (City Prosecutor, YWCA) and Hart (Quaker Oats, Goodyear, Signet Jewlers, Fisher Price in a 35 year career) managing and setting up financial departments. Danforth shines as the clearly stronger speaker and is more charismatic, a quality that gave her an edge and won her the JVote endorsement. It is something that will come in handy promoting the city. Hart has the better reputation for collaboration and a reputation as a hard worker who does her research before forming an opinion. Both have extensive work and management experiences that qualify them.
Ability to lead us through the transition to the new form of government: There will be many changes needed to have city ordinance and charter keep in synch with the fact that we are moving from one branch of government to two. All candidates have been supportive of the idea, Seren being the biggest advocate. Hart worked with the campaign on promoting it. Hart also hosted several forums and located other cities who have undergone this change to learn from them. Hart possesses a deep understanding of the cultural and legal challenges we face. Danforth moderated the last one hosted by Hart, but likely has the bigger learning curve about this and city services altogether. Hart’s time on council gives her the greater knowledge of our departments making her more ready on day one to lead them.
Fiscal Management: With millions in dollars budgeted each year, our city needs someone who has an understanding of public money policy as well as strong financial experience. Failure in this area can potentially cost the tax payers much in fines, lost opportunities and interest charges if our credit ratings are not maintained. While Danforth’s work history is more diverse than Hart’s, Hart’s strength as a CPA is in financials having been hired to manage billions in international accounts and setting up the departments to carry that out during their business transition giving Hart the superior mastery on finance.
All have solid agendas and have reached out to our community with good ties, but it’s Hart’s grasp of issues important to us and her record on council that stand her apart. It’s worth mentioning that both women are seen as strong supporters of the police, and all candidates understand the problems that an empty Severence Mall creates. As a councilwoman, Hart has worked to bring the Taylor Tudor project to a point where some promise can now be seen from it. She has promoted the need for housing refurbishing in the DeSota Altemonte area and has reiterated the need to communicate with us, it’s neighbors, for input. Hart understands that there are subtleties our community would appreciate such as having the developer clued in on what makes a kosher kitchen appreciated by a Jewish family and has asked the developers to meet with and consider such standards. Most impressive was Hart’s understanding that some have created an atmosphere in their rhetoric when directed at our community about voucher usage that belies the city’s newly adopted theme of “All are Welcome” and Hart’s willingness to call it out. She also, in my opinion, has the stronger grasp in general of issues relevant to our neighborhood ranging from smaller ones like our need for more parking on Taylor instead of a the proposed bike lanes to larger ones like the development of the Milikin site and strengthening our business sector. Her record as a strong ally for our community and willingness to work closely with us should be appreciated. Vote Melody Hart
Susan’s Suggestion for the Mayoral Primary Election – Tuesday September 14
Mayoral primary? Since when? When Cleveland Heights passed Issue 26 overwhelmingly two years ago, part of the amendment stipulated a special primary election in the event that more than two people are running. Three are running and you can vote for only one. The two top vote getters will run off in the November election which will determine who will actually be Mayor
Susan’s Endorsement – Melody Joy Hart
We have two talented women vying for the position, Councilwoman Melody Joy Hart and Barabara Danforth. Councilman Khalil Seren is also running and has voted in friendship with our community in the past, but his background lacks the management experience both women possess giving them a strong edge. Both women bring good things and different strengths to the table. What we should be looking for in a leader includes:
Knowledge of City: Hart and Seren trump Danforth here. While all have deep backgrounds of civic involvement, Hart has a longer history within Cleveland Heights while Danforth is just beginning to learn its inner workings and neighborhood individualities. Hart and Seren are currently on council. Danforth’s history is with the county and other institutions but not local to our city. Seren has been on council the longest and works in governmental affairs at the county level, and this is where his strengths lie making him, in my opinion better suited to council than mayor. Hart attended council meetings for years prior to running and has been engaged in the city otherwise as well.
Leadership Abilities: Both women have deep backgrounds working with people and managing organizations. Danforth as a CEO (City Prosecutor, YWCA) and Hart (Quaker Oats, Goodyear, Signet Jewlers, Fisher Price in a 35 year career) managing and setting up financial departments. Danforth shines as the clearly stronger speaker and is more charismatic, a quality that gave her an edge and won her the JVote endorsement. It is something that will come in handy promoting the city. Hart has the better reputation for collaboration and a reputation as a hard worker who does her research before forming an opinion. Both have extensive work and management experiences that qualify them.
Ability to lead us through the transition to the new form of government: There will be many changes needed to have city ordinance and charter keep in synch with the fact that we are moving from one branch of government to two. All candidates have been supportive of the idea, Seren being the biggest advocate. Hart worked with the campaign on promoting it. Hart also hosted several forums and located other cities who have undergone this change to learn from them. Hart possesses a deep understanding of the cultural and legal challenges we face. Danforth moderated the last one hosted by Hart, but likely has the bigger learning curve about this and city services altogether. Hart’s time on council gives her the greater knowledge of our departments making her more ready on day one to lead them.
Fiscal Management: With millions in dollars budgeted each year, our city needs someone who has an understanding of public money policy as well as strong financial experience. Failure in this area can potentially cost the tax payers much in fines, lost opportunities and interest charges if our credit ratings are not maintained. While Danforth’s work history is more diverse than Hart’s, Hart’s strength as a CPA is in financials having been hired to manage billions in international accounts and setting up the departments to carry that out during their business transition giving Hart the superior mastery on finance.
All have solid agendas and have reached out to our community with good ties, but it’s Hart’s grasp of issues important to us and her record on council that stand her apart. It’s worth mentioning that both women are seen as strong supporters of the police, and all candidates understand the problems that an empty Severence Mall creates. As a councilwoman, Hart has worked to bring the Taylor Tudor project to a point where some promise can now be seen from it. She has promoted the need for housing refurbishing in the DeSota Altemonte area and has reiterated the need to communicate with us, it’s neighbors, for input. Hart understands that there are subtleties our community would appreciate such as having the developer clued in on what makes a kosher kitchen appreciated by a Jewish family and has asked the developers to meet with and consider such standards. Most impressive was Hart’s understanding that some have created an atmosphere in their rhetoric when directed at our community about voucher usage that belies the city’s newly adopted theme of “All are Welcome” and Hart’s willingness to call it out. She also, in my opinion, has the stronger grasp in general of issues relevant to our neighborhood ranging from smaller ones like our need for more parking on Taylor instead of a the proposed bike lanes to larger ones like the development of the Milikin site and strengthening our business sector. Her record as a strong ally for our community and willingness to work closely with us should be appreciated. Vote Melody Hart
Message from Phil Atkin
My name is Phil Atkin. I am running for Mayor of UH.
I have been a member of the Shteibel, and Chabad. I have lived here in University Heights 30 years amidst a sea of beautiful homes. All those years I watched the major issues- high taxes and the expensive failing public school system, remain the same, never addressed, always ignored, only getting worse.
Miraculously, about 5 years ago everything changed when the state of Ohio inaugurated the voucher system for districts with failed school systems. Soon, people started moving here from all over the US and abroad to take advantage of the program. Then I’d see houses being enlarged, or upgraded, even brand new homes built. Home values appreciated. Restaurants and groceries opened. Formerly empty streets became full of children.
Even with this radical change, there was still no involvement by the Mayor or council. No one took a leadership position favoring the revolution going on. No one advocated guidance or expansion of the program. NO LEADERSHIP came forward for the most important factor in the life and growth of the city. No one advocated programs for the children mired in the failing school system. No one demanded improvement or alternatives for schooling, as we watched our tax rates reach near the top of the nation. No one advocated that empty schools be used by packed parochial schools, who didn’t have room to accept more students.
When the education committee of the Ohio Senate held hearings on the voucher system this past spring, they came under attack by greedy teachers unions and Public School advocates (like the Mayor). Where were our elected leaders then? Were they in Columbus touting the enormous benefits of the vouchers on our city and how there would be even greater benefits if the voucher program and school choice was expanded …. The Leaders were not there!…None of them! We almost lost the vouchers !
We need leadership to represent our needs, – not make excuses, not ignore them. THE RESIDENTS OWN THE CITY, NOT THE OFFICE HOLDERS OR THE SCHOOL SYSTEM. RESIDENTS NEEDS COME FIRST! The Mayor’s job is to fight for the needs and rights of the residents.
I have a master’s in Urban and Regional Planning and went to architecture school. I worked as a senior planner for the Buffalo area regional planning board, was Director of Urban Design Services for a large engineering firm, was the planning and zoning consultant for municipalities in Western N.Y., and consultant for the Seneca Nation of Indians. I have been an award winning builder in N.Y. and Ohio. I designed and built the Chabad Center in Beachwood, condos in Clev.Hgts., Renovations in Ohio City and much more.
I want to address the important issues I mentioned, as well as bring some professionalism to the conduct of the city for the benefit of its residents. I would work with city staff to review and upgrade services. I would support our police department. I would happily work with council to respond to resident’s needs – Turning Difficulties Into Opportunities.
My website – Phil Atkin For Mayor is https://100580.campaignpartner.net. my email is atkin4uh@gmail.com
A Message from Vice Mayor of University Heights Michele Weiss
I am writing to tell you how important this election is for our city and for our community. There are challengers for Mayor. I am endorsing BARBARA BLANKFELD and she is also endorsed by 6 of the 7 members of City Council, including myself.
I am endorsing BARBARA BLANKFELD for Mayor because the next few years are too important to the city and the Jewish community. Simply put, BARBARA BLANKFELD is the only candidate who will work with the members of Council to move our city forward.
In our community honesty, integrity, and treating others kindly are key. BARBARA BLANKFELD has all of these qualities. She is fiscally responsible, follows through on what needs to be done, and listens to residents. Simply put BARBARA BLANKFELD is the best candidate for the City of University Heights.
Now is your chance to make the city even better. I have been on Council (or been to meetings as a council observer) for the last 8 years. BARBARA BLANKFELD will be the best Mayor for the City of University Heights.
This November 2nd please VOTE FOR BARBARA BLANKFELD for Mayor.
Also, there are other candidates for City Council. Please also vote for:
I have spent countless hours working to represent the Jewish community on your City Council. If you vote for these candidates, the Jewish Community will have a stronger voice in the community.
Thank you,
Vice Mayor Michele Weiss
Susan’s Suggestions for the Elections; VITAL Tuesday, August 3, PRIMARY
Ask for a DEMOCRAT BALLOT and VOTE SHONTEL BROWN Congressional District 11!
If you are a Democrat and even if you are a Republican, ask for a Democrat Ballot and Vote Shontel Brown
Why should I do that if I prefer Republicans? And what about my voter registration?
The answer is that in November, when the winner of this Democrat primary runs off against the Republican, Laverne Gore, all conventional wisdom says that the winner of the Democrat primary is a shoe-in to be elected. The reason is that this is a Democrat district by design, read gerrymandered, no Republican has won since Voinovich in the 80s. In fact, in the last similar primary, the Republican did not even get 20% of the vote. In November, you can support Laverne Gore. Right now, it’s important to VOTE SHONTEL BROWN, for the following reasons:
Shontel Brown is a moderate Democrat who supports Israel – funding and self-defense, in contrast to Nina Turner – a Bernie Sanders Progressive opponent – who openly sides with Ilhan Omar and Occasio Cortez and the Sqaud echoing their anti-Semitic language, calling for an end to arms sales to Israel, and using pro terrorist, pro BDS rhetoric.
Religious freedoms are another reason. Shontel Brown has been an active Democrat in the local party for years and has experience holding office including reaching across the aisle. She has developed ties to members of our community. Those ties mean that we can hope for meaningful responses should we need to call on our representative. We can only imagine how her opponent’s extreme views will be applied to healthcare and the potential for non-halachic mandates in Bris or end of life matters. Or social reforms. To have someone who respects our religious positions in office instead of the derision we could expect from her opponent is huge.
As a Bernie/Squad acolyte, her opponent believes in an aggressive progressive agenda that proudly calls itself Socialist, advocating for the same policies that lead to poverty and failure in the countries that adopt it. Progressives from all over the country have poured funding into this election in the hopes of swinging Congress to their point of view. Out of district funding should always be a red flag. Shontel is way behind in fundraising because of this, but is ahead in support in the area where she is well respected and closing the gap in the polls. Latest polls show them tied. Our district includes Akron, but Brown’s base in mostly in Cuyahoga County. All this means it may be a very close race. Every vote we can get counts.
In order to vote for Shontel Brown you must ask for a Democrat ballot either by mail application or in person. It will change your registration to Democrat, but you can change it back at the next partisan primary.
Bonus if you live in Cleveland Heights: The next primary is only one month away, and support for Melody Hart for Mayor of Cleveland Heights is gearing up. On September 14th there will be the first ever mayoral primary with four candidates running. Again, this will be an important primary choosing the top two vote getters to run off against each other in November. Of the four, two are more progressive while two are moderate. Because local elections are non-partisan, the same candidates will appear on Republican, Democrat and Non-Partisan ballots alike, so your registration for the August 3rd primary will not affect your ability to select your preferred candidate for Mayor in the September primary. If you plan to vote by mail and live in Cleveland Heights, request all three ballots at the same time now: Special Aug 3 Congressional Primary, Special Mayoral Cleveland Heights Primary on Sept 14, and the General Election in November. To do so, each request must be separate. Do not combine the requests onto one form; use three.
For now, I can’t emphasize the importance enough: VOTE SHONTEL BROWN!